The Young Man

Young Man

I walked with the young man wondering the cities of the world
He is look like man fun of squandering his time in traveling
He is a good man helping all people we pass by that need help
He was wise and funny at the same time but kind of odd

I felt something that I never felt before
I can’t stop myself looking at him
Listening for every word he say 
Just like I wish these moments will never end

I like when he touches my hands while we’re running
He is taking care of me if when I’m sick or in pain
He teaches me many things about this world
Just like how can I make my life easy by creating our own principles in life
I think I love him, a love beyond the spirit of this realm
Remain undefined and unmeasurable which give me feathers to go back home
I want to take him to the city of I and live with him forever
I tried to confess my feelings with him and everything begun to change

He left me sleeping in the temple of I in the city of Agartha
I tried to search for him and I found nothing but his letter
The last petal of the flower of may has withered and fallen
The gate of havens has opened for me to come home 
For I learned what I must learn


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