Her knight and His witch: The Forsaken Dream

Her knight and His witch: The Forsaken Dream

Her knight and His witch: The Forsaken Dream

Part 1


If only you believed my love is true
things will not happen to you.
Now in the front of the blazing fire
I'm crying all because of you.

Cassandra, I want to marry you
without any hesitations I do.
But now I lost the one that I loved
a stolen gift from heavens above.

You only ask me one thing
"Sir Arthur please marry me"
despite our opposite our ideology
Still, I want to marry thee.

I was too late for your trial
I hear nothing but your scream.
It doesn't crush only my heart
but as well our forsaken dream.

Because I know
I was not charmed or bewitched
It is  the thing you can't see or touch,
It was the love for my lovely witch.

If I have convinced you more
to leave the city of Mordore
You will be safe and sound
and I won't feel this pain and soar.

Apology my lady, I failed to protect thee
I dream we will build our own family
but now you can take your rest
and I promise that only you can marry me.

Part 2


When I was looking at you 
I know you will feel blue.
The only thing I want 
Is to marry you.

I'm sorry my brave knight
I doubted your love for me.
Maybe through death, I will regain my sincerity 
and I can repay my treachery.

I was fallen with doubt and despair
but all of this things is because of love.
All I want is to be fair,
my life is enough for Kharon 
to bring you back here.

In return, I will face my trial,
an act of love without a stain of betrayal.
Flames  will burn my body and soul
one way to turn ashes my lifetime goal.

I thought death
will set me free
but instead, it brings more
pain for you and for me.

Bow and arrows,
torch and fires
"I set you free,
you can be happy without me"


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