The Spiral Death

Spiral Death

All of my memories risen up from the dead
A tremendous pain in my heart and in my head
For her kiss give life to my heart to beat again
I hope what I have lost shall be regained
I killed the one that loves
please bring back the time my, prayer to heavens above
please bring back my wife, pleading act of love

for I’m the Moon Cloud of death, I open thee the gate of the afterlife
breaking the sacred law of the celestial realm, for the love to my wife
I will reverse the arc of time bringing back what is rightfully mine
giving up my immortality as the golden price for half of her time
facing the cursed of mortal death and terrifying earthly misery
beside from that, she will lose all of her memories from me
I have finally faced death

A great leap of disposition where I lost everything I have
I have lost my wings for I shall no longer return to hell or heaven
I sacrificed my deadly scythe for stopping the golden flowing time
Yes, she regain what has been lost but she lost what she has
A spiritual death for a living soul, she is still dead at all
So this is the feeling of loss that makes me cry

For the resurrection of the dead soul, the curse of spiral death
The price is lifetime misery until my last breath
Learning to act like a man kneeling at the hot and painful sand
And what is the point of resurrecting her if she will lose the most precious gifts from me
Living in the world of separated days, the life of a man in the maze
Since I already sacrifice everything can I see or touch her again

I can’t see the one that I love every day here on earth
For she can’t spend all of her time in her fullest phase
I will suffer like a mortal and act so normal
It is better I will die than to witness her death
I hope it’s not so bad for a man to cry
Last tears saying to you goodbye


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