The Letter

The Letter

I’m sure you will search for me in the middle realm nor in the havens
Don’t bother to look for me after I left you behind because you can’t see me neither my shadow
I want to tell you that you are the reason I step out of my cave
To see the reality beyond allegory of the shadows and sounds

I want to see you and hear your sweet voice or to hold your hand
For long long time I have waited for the time to come
Bringing my angel closer to me and meet her face to face
I found my true happiness, the light in the darkness

Even though I know my father will be sad for the consequences of my deeds
Another beloved soul will be loss from him because of love
I’m trying to say to my father that we are not what we expected
We are capable to defy our own nature, we can learn how to change

I will prove that love will can change who we are
We can do such things beyond our capability to follow and understand
Exceeding the boundary of thinking and reasoning to find the key
That will set us free from the prison cave of limited darkness

I believe will meet someday in the great halls of celestial palace
Facing all gods and goddesses for we proudly created our woven fate
We will be rewarded for we fought our love against the tide of their disapproval
And we can now build our own family without any restriction because we lived with our dreams

I’m leviathan, the demon son of the great dark moon
 the keeper of the gate of the damnation and lover of my fallen angel
I wrote this letter to tell you how much I love you
Even breaking the sacred law of heavenly father

Hoping that you will love me and make some decision the same way


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