

The darkness of the universe is essential to see the true nature of light
You can’t discover the beauty of stars in the falsification of daylight
You can’t see the truth if you can’t see the lie
In this world you can see the reality when you try to close your naked eye

I will not ask you if you are ok
Because it is clearly obvious your tears speak for itself
So I  will ask you Miss why are you crying  ?
 just believe in will of I and everything will be fine

his words give me strength like giving back my wide white wings
I almost forgot my truce and totally losing my hope
His warm smile strengthens and straighten my sword
I just draw my brave words to the mighty father

I stand with my own feet and start to walk again
Recovering all light that I loose from the very start
Remembering the words of the father is my light against darkness
My word is my weapon against the forces of evil

I look into the eyes of young man but I felt something different
I want to thank him for lifting up my soul from the shade of evil
I touch his hands but his hands is cold as an ice
But his smile is warm as blazing fire as the heat of love


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