My Moonlight

My Moonlight

The damnation is so dark like evil in pandemonium
The cold black mist everywhere brings loneliness to the air
The deafening silence from the voices of the sinners in the dead trees of oblivion
Pitch black dust cover the soil which abundant of fallen dreams to despair

As I seated to the throne of Hades
I felt empty that I think I missed something important
I took my brother’s happiness as well as his throne
I reign this dark realm yet I realize I’m all alone

The glowing light break the gloom in the throne room
I look at her as she knelt before me
I heard the fast beating heart and her crying soul
As she stands up and she walks towards me

I said stop buts she doesn’t listen
Who disrespect death thy soul will perish
I can’t bear to look at her sorrowful eyes
I closed my eyes for her light burns all of my shadows and I pushed her away

She holds my cold hands tight just like saying I miss you
Her warm hands make my tears to flow and melt my frozen heart
Her light weakens me so I stab her with my scythe
She hugs me tighter and whispered I’m your wife

“Your darkness is essential to see the guiding light of the stars”
I don’t regret to touch you even though it will take my life
I will sacrifice my light for in the name of his holiness
I don’t do it just for myself but I do it because I’m your wife

She fell on her feet but I catch her before she touches the ground
I shouted and cried a lot for the pain of rebirth of my living memory and heart
As I kiss her until the last of her breath
the mist vanished for the appearance of the stars in the night sky

“Depart from me I know you not”


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