The Prisoner of Time

The Prisoner of Time
 By : Reaper Poetry 

For second that I will fall in love
It just slips and pass away
For a prisoner of time
No place or day my clock can stay

I’m living in immortality
A curse or gift for a living memory
Walking in the time of shadows
Dying on watching fading meadows

Falling in love is a curse
That I can’t bare to look in to her eyes
I can’t stop the flowing time
For a frozen split millisecond, I’m sure she will die

Why I felt this way?
Living with trillion years is like death
For fast moving time you will slowly fade
But in ice frozen sharp second hand will separate my body from my head

I have lot of time
To share with you
The more minutes I spent 
The more hours Time will takes away from you

Asking for the gift of immortality
 For the love that takes till eternity
A curse for the living soul

The time will bestow death for the one who aim for this goal

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