Who's fault ?

It's not the fault of a snake if it was born poisonous. 
It's not the fault of the gun if it kills.
It's not the fault of firecracker if it explodes and cut off your finger. 
It's not the fault of love if it hurts you so much.
It's not the fault of the drugs if it kills you.
It's not the fault of cigarettes if it causes lung cancer.
It's not the fault of alcohol if it causes car accidents.
It's not the fault of others if they are trying to teach you a lesson.
It's not the fault of your teachers if you fail.
It's not the fault of your parents if they cant give you what you want.
It's not your fault if you try to be responsible but still, an accident occurs.
It's not the fault of nature if brings disaster and catastrophe.
It's not the fault of sugar if it causes diabetes.

Who's fault? Your fault!
You are the one who comes near to the snake.
You are the one who kills the person.
You are the one who irresponsibly used the firecracker.
You are the one who gives up in the game of love.
You are the one who decides to be addicted.
You are the one who poisoning your own self.
You are the one who committing suicide.
You are the one who commits mistakes.
You are the one who doesn't care about your grades.
You are the one who cannot accept the reality.
You are the one who responsible but others are not.
You are the one who doesn't think about the consequences.
You are the one who doesn't know how to control your self.

Remember what happens to us is the chain reaction of our choices,
Not just you but as well the choices of every individual in this society.
Your choices affect the community
and the choice of the community affect you


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