Th Mermaid and Fisherman

The Fisherman And Mermaid

His Mermaid

 I’m the mythical heart of the sea
You confess thy love and betray me
Gem and gold I give thee, But still, you have to leave me
Go, leave the sea like the way you leave me

Oh art thy love, choosing land or sea
The hardest choice I made for you and for me
My love is true and  believe me, oh  loving thee
You’ll see the true meaning of love is setting us free

I know love is not for eternity
Just believe in power of love and you will see
Dying is not the key, all I need is you and me
I’ll give all and just stay beside me

No, hold my hand for the last minute
Letting me go, you have to do it
It’s hard for you, I know it
Please let me go on my journey, so be it


      Her Fisherman

I’m the faithful man of land and sea
I trust you and you trust me
Staying by your side, so heavenly
I broke your heart, My offended thee

Losing you is losing me
Oh thou art love, Don’t leave the sea
On the wildest fields or the widest sea
I’ll die, without you beside me

Before I leave you in perishing sea
My lady, I beg you my apology
I broke my promise and loyalty

Heart monitor suddenly stop.................
Come forth, the great fisherman of the sea
I beg you, let Charon sail you into the eternity. 

Disclaimer: the poem is mine and the picture is not and that's all no more, no less
reference to the pic:



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