I Defy the Law of Gravity

Mathematics lead me to you and  infinity,
Chemistry teach me how to to solve our compatibility,
Statistics teach me to solve our probability,
Political Science teaches me how your lies played me around,
Psychology teaches me if I'm there in your heart and mind,
but Physics teaches me how I will let you go now.

After you throw me up
I fall and stumble down.
Do you think I will fall again with you?

Solving the impact,
the speed ,  acceleration plus velocity
is enough to crash my heart!
The force, momentum, time and displacement
is enough to set us to fall apart!

Everything that goes up will fall to the place where it comes from.
Sorry to say, I follow the law of  gravity
and yes, I fall but with the better man.

Shut up! Algebra and you too Mathematics
No looking for X and Y,
It's time to move one and say goodbye.


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