Defining Man

Defining Man
Is not searching where you began
but defining who you are anddiscovering who you really are.

Science stated where from primate ancestry,
Philosophy stated were composed of
soul, body, rationality, and animality
but for me, man is a creature
who possess the true man nature.

Man is good,
It's not what you say,
what you think
or what you do
it's who you really are.

Man is blind
not just blind in senses
but blind in soul
that is why were so weak and vulnerable.

Man is bold
were not just strong in words
but as well strong in heart,
because we face our problems and
make a brand new start.

Man is kind 
It's not because you give
you care or you love
it's your nature which
hidden inside.

Man has reason
there is no right and wrong
in your proposition and opposition
because it depends on what stand you belong.

Man is not alone
theirs a family we belong
a note in a harmonious song
so man cannot leave and stand alone.

Man has a home,
home is not a place
like the outer space
but a group of people
who gives you a living space.

Defining Man 
scientifically or philosophically
but all I know
It's you what you do naturally.

Have you ever ask your self even once
if you consider yourself as a MAN?
Are you sure that you are a MAN?
 So you should act like one.


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