The Crib

So young and so innocent
A son of two peasants
So sweet and so heavenly
A smile of a baby
I love you Mama
I love you Papa
I want to play.
I love you Mama
I love you Papa
I want with you to stay.
Mama Papa don't cry,
Why are you crying, can you tell me why?
Mama Papa don't cry,
Please stop crying, I don't understand why.
I will follow your orders
Without a word to say.
I will do all house chores
Without a penny to pay.
Shoo! shoo! Flies, go away!
Stay away from my body, I will stay!
I know there is no coffin or a cradle
I'm laying on this dirty table
Please, Mr.reaper give me another day !!!
I cant leave my mama and papa
this way!
Please grant my wish for today
I will accept my death and I will come with you,
just let me stay.


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